This interactive hybrid event chaired by Drs. Louis Bucky, Charles Thorne and Jason Roostaeian, is your opportunity to engage with some of the foremost experts in the specialty with education focused on brow lifts, periorbital rejuvenation, facial rejuvenation, neck, rhinoplasty and live injections.

New this year, there will be a full day of simultaneous lectures with cadaver prosections! Watch firsthand as some of the best in the field show you how to perform the techniques they are known for.

Tailored to meet your needs, this online event gives you the freedom to interact with your peers and industry representatives from the comfort of your own home while still experiencing a high engagement level with chat logs and Q&A during the live sessions.

Educational grants and in-kind support provided by AbbVie, Evolus, Galderma and Revance.

In-kind support provided by BiLumix and Merz Aesthetics.

Cadaver lab In-kind support provided by BiLumix and Tulip Medical.


Please note: This hybrid event will be available live ONLY, there will be no on-demand viewing available.